StatefulSetStatus represents the current state of a StatefulSet.


  • V1StatefulSetStatus



availableReplicas?: number

Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this statefulset.

collisionCount?: number

collisionCount is the count of hash collisions for the StatefulSet. The StatefulSet controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ControllerRevision.

conditions?: V1StatefulSetCondition[]

Represents the latest available observations of a statefulset's current state.

currentReplicas?: number

currentReplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by currentRevision.

currentRevision?: string

currentRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [0,currentReplicas).

observedGeneration?: number

observedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this StatefulSet. It corresponds to the StatefulSet's generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server.

readyReplicas?: number

readyReplicas is the number of pods created for this StatefulSet with a Ready Condition.

replicas: number

replicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller.

updateRevision?: string

updateRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [replicas-updatedReplicas,replicas)

updatedReplicas?: number

updatedReplicas is the number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by updateRevision.

attributeTypeMap: {
    baseName: string;
    name: string;
    type: string;
}[] = ...

Type declaration

  • baseName: string
  • name: string
  • type: string
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined


  • Returns {
        baseName: string;
        name: string;
        type: string;

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