UserInfo holds the information about the user needed to implement the user.Info interface.


  • V1UserInfo



extra?: {
    [key: string]: string[];

Any additional information provided by the authenticator.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string[]
groups?: string[]

The names of groups this user is a part of.

uid?: string

A unique value that identifies this user across time. If this user is deleted and another user by the same name is added, they will have different UIDs.

username?: string

The name that uniquely identifies this user among all active users.

attributeTypeMap: {
    baseName: string;
    name: string;
    type: string;
}[] = ...

Type declaration

  • baseName: string
  • name: string
  • type: string
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined


  • Returns {
        baseName: string;
        name: string;
        type: string;

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